Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Snow Fort!

This is the amazing snow fort my family made last weekend. My brother was in town for spring break and we took a stroll up to the snow. I didn't help much because I was taking pictures :)

For those that care (This is a photography blog right?)

-I set the white balance to tungsten, which gave everything a cool blue cast, and color gelled the strobe(in fort) with an orange gel. The ambient light was underexposed(no it isn't dark out) and I brought up the light on the faces with the strobe. Minor adjustments made in photoshop Cs2.

Yay! My first photography blog post. (Deven, I must admit, you helped inspire me)


  1. Hi David,
    Anna showed me the picture when she was on break here. I loved it. Will be looking for more.

  2. You have one cool family!!!
